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Warrior Poet

Tyler Doohen

Warrior - a person engaged or experienced in warfare who displays great vigor and courage.

Poet - a person who has the gift of poetic thought, imagination, and creation, together with eloquence of expression.

Welcome to Warrior Poet, my attempt at warfare through language that is targeted at the enemy and his lies. I believe that the enemy is my enemy and people are not, no matter what humans might do or say to me. I will cut the head off of an offense to keep relationship. Most of the time we are not fully aware of the weight of our words; how deep they can cut or how they can carry healing power to the body or soul who hears them. I promise to always write with life (John 14:6) in mind, for we never know what the internal struggle looks like for the one who is on the journey of discovery.

My training as a warrior poet started in 2007, as I was coming out of a 10 year meth addiction; an addiction that some said was impossible to beat. Impossible on my own strength - yes, I tried and failed multiple times. My failures in addiction recovery were due to my end goal, I just wanted to be sober and it wasn’t until I learned that I could actually be free from that life that things changed. Sobriety is the easy way out. It gives us a fallback plan and keeps the cycle of addiction alive and well. Sobriety is a label and an excuse to be lazy when it comes to dealing with our life and messes we have made. In my opinion (yes my opinion, an opinion from someone who was a full time user for 10 years of his life) addiction is not a disease but a choice, and almost always addiction is not the problem, it is just a manifestation of pain and hurt that happened in the past.

Enter freedom. John 8:36 says “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” With addiction and other life issues that apply shackles of shame, depression, death etc., Jesus, when we receive what he offers, unlocks the shackles. The shackles remain unlocked, but it is not Jesus’ responsibility to take them off, it is ours. Love is a choice, just like freedom! I made the transition from sobriety to freedom once Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Friend of sinners, told me “Turn the shackles over!” “They were unlocked!” As I better understand the language of the Father, which is love, I better understand how truly free we are in Christ. This freedom has helped develop my language as a son, a husband, and a father…as a Warrior Poet.

In closing I will echo the urban dictionaries definition of a warrior poet with a little twist of my own. A warrior poet is uncommon among the uncommon ones. A most highly skilled Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, writer, communicator, mother, father, son, or daughter. No one can trump a warrior poet and nobody trains like them. They do not know defeat and never will; for they understand that the victory is already won and they fight from that place. Their heart, intelligence, and determination are unmatched and their will to triumph, persevere, and overcome are things of legend. To all warrior poets out there, keep fighting for the loved and unloved, saint and sinner. For we all belong to the Father and are loved by HIM. May you write and create with no fear. May you wield your voice through written and spoken language with utmost confidence, knowing that our “words create worlds” in those around us. May the worlds we create be full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control…

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